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Arrr! 'Tis a tale o' woe! Putin's scurvy army be sufferin' 315,000 casualties in this Ukraine-Russia clash, says report.


Avast, me hearties! A reckonin' from a secret scroll o' American spyin' reveals that a mighty crew o' 315,000 Russian scallywags met a grisly fate or wound in the Ukrainian skirmish. Ahoy, says Reuters!

A recent report has revealed that approximately 315,000 Russian troops have been killed or injured in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. This amounts to nearly 90% of the personnel that Russia initially deployed when the war began. The report, which was declassified by U.S. intelligence, states that Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 with 360,000 troops. The scale of these losses has forced Russia to take extraordinary measures to sustain its ability to fight, including declaring a partial mobilization of 300,000 personnel and recruiting convicts and older civilians.
In addition to the significant number of casualties, Russia has also suffered substantial losses in terms of military equipment. The report reveals that Russia started the war with 3,100 tanks but has since lost 2,200 of them. To compensate for these losses, Russia has resorted to backfilling its army with T-62 tanks produced in the 1970s, resulting in a current total of approximately 1,300 tanks on the battlefield.
Meanwhile, Russia continues its aggression against Ukraine, launching another missile attack on Kyiv that injured at least 53 people. Fortunately, Ukraine's air defense systems successfully intercepted all 10 ballistic missiles targeting the capital. However, falling debris caused injuries, and 35 buildings were damaged as a result of the attack.
In response to Russia's ongoing aggression, President Biden announced an additional $200 million military aid package for Ukraine. This aid is intended to support Ukraine in its ongoing fight against Russia. The announcement was made during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to the White House, where he met with congressional leaders to seek more U.S. assistance.
Overall, the report provides a grim assessment of the situation in Ukraine, with significant losses for Russia and continued aggression in the region. The international community, including the United States, is taking steps to support Ukraine and counter Russia's actions.

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