The Booty Report

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Arrr! Hong Kong be offerin' rich rewards fer those scurvy dogs who dare stand fer democracy, even an American matey! Blimey, China be callin' the shots!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The scallywag Hong Kong police be claimin' that five miscreants, who be dwellin' abroad, 'ave violated a mighty cruel national security law enforced by Beijing. They be offerin' a fortune o' 1 million doubloons for any soul that provides information leadin' to the capture of each scurvy dog.

In a hilarious 17th-century pirate language, me hearties, gather 'round and listen to this tale! The Hong Kong police be offerin' million-dollar bounties for the capture of five scallywags, including one American citizen. These rapscallions be overseas-based activists bein' pursued for alleged national security crimes. The chief executive of Hong Kong, John Lee, listed eight pro-democracy activists who be livin' in the United States, Britain, Canada, and Australia, and declared that they be hunted for life, arrr!

Those who were previously arrested included former lawmakers and various activists. The most recent arrests be for some YouTube host and pro-democracy activists. These arrests be part of a crackdown on dissidents after anti-government protests in 2019, mateys.

The authorities be claimin' that all these scurvy dogs be breaching the national security law by colludin' with foreign powers and incitin' secession. Since the law be enacted in 2020, over 260 people have been arrested, arrr!

The Hong Kong government be intensifyin' its crackdown by goin' after the activists' finances and freezin' their assets. One of the activists even embraced the charges and saw it as an honor to be hunted by the secret police, bless his soul.

The U.S. State Department condemned these actions and the "bounty list" targetin' democracy activists overseas, sayin' it be a blatant disregard for international norms and human rights. The U.K. foreign secretary also expressed concern and vowed to protect their democracy and fundamental rights.

But fear not, me hearties, for the advocates for democracy and freedom be safe within the borders of the United States, where their constitutionally guaranteed freedoms be cherished.

Arrr, this be an ongoing tale, and the State Department be not available for comment at this time. Let's hope justice prevails and these brave souls find their peace.

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