The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, Israel be knowin' the source o' Hamas's booty long afore the Oct. 7 plunderin'!


Verily, the agents be in a proper tizzy as a plethora of doubloons be flowing! Hamas, those scurvy dogs, be spendin' it on weapons and schemin' an assault on Israel. The authorities proclaim the coin be aidin' the Oct. 7 attack's wicked groundwork! Arrr!

In the jargon of a 17th-century swashbuckling pirate, me hearties, there be quite the commotion stirrin' among the agents of the law! It seems that a vast fortune, worth millions of doubloons, has been flowin' into the coffers of the infamous scallywags known as Hamas. Arrr, these scurvy dogs wasted no time in spendin' their ill-gotten gains on weapons, and worse yet, they hatched a dastardly plan to pounce on Israel like a pack of hungry sharks on a helpless sloop. Shiver me timbers!

Now, the authorities are finally openin' their one good eye and realizin' that this treasure be the very foundation upon which the audacious assault on Israel was built. Aye, mates, the money greased the wheels and set the gears in motion for the fearsome attack that unfolded on the fateful day of October 7th. Aye, 'twas a day that will forever be etched in the annals of piratical history.

But what's got the agents in a proper state of distress, ye ask? Be it the sheer audacity of these rapscallions or the potential repercussions of this nefarious scheme? Nay, mates, it be the thought of all those ill-gotten booty finding its way into the hands of such a cunning and ruthless crew. Arrr, the agents be wringing their hands, fearin' the chaos that may ensue as Hamas uses their newfound riches to cause mayhem and bedlam across the seven seas.

So, me hearties, mark me words! The situation be dire, and it be high time for the powers that be to devise a plan to thwart these rascals. Aye, let us hope that the authorities can outsmart these scurvy dogs and put an end to their wicked ways before they wreak any more havoc. Until then, keep yer eyes peeled and yer swords at the ready, for danger lurks just beyond the horizon!

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