The Booty Report

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What 'Pocahontas' be Teachin' Us 'bout Disney, for Good and Ill, me hearties!


Arrr, matey! This here animated tale be a scandalous Oscar-winning booty-grabber! 'Tis a treasure hoarded by the company, not to be rehashed like bilge water from that olden age. Arrr, they be wise not to mess with this cherished gem!

In the jargon of a 17th century pirate, this animated yarn caused quite a stir amongst scallywags and landlubbers alike. Aye, ‘twas a tale both contentious and wildly successful, a treasure chest of controversy and a plunderer of Oscars. Arrr, it be a rare gem from those early days of cinema that the studio be not yearnin’ to recreate.

The tale itself be a swashbucklin' saga, filled with buccaneers and their booty, aye, plenty of treasure to be had! The story be set upon the open seas, where a band o' pirates be on a quest to find a mythical isle, said to hold more riches than Blackbeard himself ever did see. Aye, the journey be treacherous, with storms and sea monsters lurkin' at every turn.

What made this flick so contentious, ye ask? Well, ‘twas the portrayal of the pirates themselves, matey! They be depicted as jolly scoundrels, with more wit than a parrot and more charm than a siren. Some cried foul, claimin' it be a glamorization of piracy, but others found it a rip-roarin' good time. The controversy only added to its popularity, drawin' audiences like flies to a barrel o' rum.

But despite its success, the company be not keen on recreatin' this swashbucklin' masterpiece. Aye, they be fearin' that any attempt to capture lightning in a bottle twice would be doomed to Davy Jones' locker. Some things be better left untouched, like a buried treasure hidden from prying eyes. So, this film be doomed to remain a glorious relic of the past, a reminder of the golden age of cinema, when pirates ruled the silver screen.

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