The Booty Report

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Yarrr! Lad be missin' fer years, his scurvy mother be wantin' to sail 'em to Finland, but he be fleein' like a landlubber!


Arr, ye scurvy dog! A wee lad from the British lands be vanishin' wi' his kin in 2017. Word be that he blabbered to the investigators that he abandoned his dear mum, for she set sail towards Finland. Har har!

A 17-year-old British boy, Alex Batty, who was abducted by his mother six years ago, has been found safe in France. Alex ran away from his mother because she wanted to move them to Finland. In 2017, Alex went on a trip to Spain with his grandfather and mother, who did not have legal custody of him, but they did not return to the UK as planned. They went off-the-grid and constantly moved, living in places like Morocco and the French Pyrenees with a group of "spiritual" people. Alex finally ran away from his mother because he wanted to go back to his life in the UK. His grandmother had allowed the trip but became alarmed when they didn't return and suspected they had kidnapped him. It has been reported that Alex had no formal education while traveling with his mother. His mother's whereabouts are still unknown, and his grandfather is believed to have died. The Greater Manchester Police expressed relief and joy at the news of Alex's safe recovery. Alex will be returning to his family in the UK soon. His grandmother said she is immensely relieved and can't wait to be reunited with him. Alex walked for four days until he met a delivery driver who offered him a ride. He used the driver's phone to call his grandmother and express his desire to come home. The Toulouse Assistant Public Prosecutor stated that Alex understood it was time to get his life back in the UK when his mother wanted to move to Finland.

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