The Booty Report

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The landlubber US be giving back Greece 30 precious booty, aye, worth $3.7 million! Carved marble statues included, arr!


Arrr, a few treasured goods be giv'n up by friendly galleries, whilst others be pilfered from th' clutches of scurvy dealers 'n their dank storage holds.

In a heave-ho of goodwill, the United States has handed back 30 ancient artifacts to Greece. These booty treasures, which include marble statues, armor helmets, and breastplates, were found to have been plundered from the country. The pieces were turned over to Greek officials in New York, and they span a timeline from as long ago as 4,700 years to the Middle Ages. The Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, stated that the exquisite works were valued at a staggering $3.7 million.

The artifacts were acquired through various means, with 19 being voluntarily surrendered by a New York gallery owner, Michael Ward. Three others were seized from British art dealer Robin Symes, and one was ransacked from the storage unit of an undisclosed New York-based private collector. Among the treasures is a headless marble statue of Aphrodite and seven bronze helmets dating from the 6th to the 3rd century B.C.

Greek Culture Minister Lina Mendoni expressed her gratitude for the "strong cooperation and hard work" of both U.S. and Greek experts. This return of artifacts follows similar operations earlier this year and last year, demonstrating the ongoing efforts to preserve Greece's cultural heritage.

Greece has long been a target for criminal networks involved in the illegal trafficking of excavated antiquities. These artifacts, which are the country's legal property, fetch high prices on the worldwide market. With the return of these pilfered treasures, Greece can take pride in reclaiming pieces of its historical legacy and protecting its cultural heritage.

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