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Arrr, these fine lasses be teachin' us how to tackle them fancy-pants universities with their woke ways!


Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! Three fine Republican scallywags be teachin' us land-dwellers the art o' interrogatin' a hostile witness! But hold yer horses, for there be more tales to tell...

Three House Republican women have demonstrated how to confront university leaders who believe they are above the law. House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik questioned Harvard President Claudine Gay about condemning the advocacy of Jewish genocide at a hearing on antisemitism. The video of Stefanik's interrogation has become one of the most viewed hearings in congressional history. University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill resigned following her inability to declare that calls for the genocide of Jews are punishable speech. On the other hand, Harvard's governing body supported President Gay despite recent revelations of plagiarism in her dissertation and other academic papers. Meanwhile, Congresswoman Michelle Steele introduced a bill that would require colleges and universities to report all foreign gifts. The elite universities have been refusing to comply with existing requirements to report foreign donations of $250,000 or more. Congresswoman Virginia Foxx, chairwoman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, cosponsored the bill, which aims to bring transparency and accountability to foreign gift reporting requirements. These actions by the House Republican women indicate progress and would not have been possible without Republican control of the House of Representatives. Their leadership is commendable in holding universities accountable and addressing issues of antisemitism and foreign influence.

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