The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! A fierce storm brews upon thar East Coast, ready to drench ye lads and blow ye away!


Avast ye landlubbers of New York! Be warned, a fearsome tempest be brewin' on the horizon! Brace yerselves for floods and chaos in yer travels, for a mighty storm be makin' landfall Sunday eve and lingerin' till Monday! May the sea gods protect ye all!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye landlubbers! The city of New York be sendin' out a warnin' to all ye fine folk. A mighty storm be brewin' on the horizon, ready to unleash its wrath upon the city! This be no ordinary squall, me mateys, but a storm of epic proportions!

They be sayin' that the storm be startin' on a Sunday eve and stretchin' till the Monday. Floods be a-comin' and travel bein' disrupted, mark me words! The city be urg'in' all ye good folks to prepare yerselves for what's to come. Gather yer supplies, batten down the hatches, and stay safe within the shelter of yer humble abodes!

Now, me hearties, ye might be wonderin' what ye should be expectin' from this here storm. Well, let me paint ye a picture. Picture the mighty waves crashin' against the shores, like a kraken awakenin' from its slumber. Picture the rain pourin' down like a waterfall from the heavens, threatenin' to turn the streets into rivers. Picture the wind howlin' like a pack of ghostly pirates, tryin' to blow ye off yer feet!

But fear not, me hearties! For this be the 21st century, and the city of New York be prepared to face this tempest head-on. They be workin' day and night to ensure the safety of all ye fine folks. The streets be cleared, the pumps be ready, and the emergency crews be standin' by, ready to lend a helpin' hand.

So, me mateys, heed the call of the city and prepare yerselves for the storm of the century! Keep a weather eye on the horizon, and remember, in times like these, it be best to stay home, sip on some grog, and wait for the storm to pass. Arrr!

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