The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! The IDF be admittin' to an 'incident' at a church in Gaza, where two fine Christian women be slain and a convent blasted to smithereens, as proclaimed by the patriarch!


Avast ye! 'Tis said by the Latin Patriarch that the dastardly IDF be raidin' Holy Family Parish in Gaza, takin' the lives of two fine Christian lasses within the church. They even be shootin' a convent, carin' for the disabled, with a fearsome rocket! Aye, 'tis a sad tale indeed!

The Israeli Defense Forces have confirmed an "incident" at the last Catholic Church in Gaza following accusations by the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Pierbattista Pizzaballa, that two Christian women were shot and killed by IDF snipers inside the Holy Family Church. Pizzaballa claimed that the attack was part of a larger assault on the parish, and that multiple other Christian parishioners were wounded. The IDF spokesperson stated that the incident occurred during an operation against Hamas terrorists in the area, and that they were operating against a threat identified in the area of the church. Pizzaballa reported that the victims, identified as Nahida and Samar, were shot and killed as they walked to the Sisters' Convent, and that seven others were shot and wounded while trying to protect others inside the church compound. The Holy See later republished Pizzaballa's report, stating that the Israeli military had entered the compound of the Holy Family Catholic Parish and shot at anyone leaving the church. The IDF claimed that the skirmish took place due to a "threat" that was identified in the area. The Holy Family Church is the only Catholic Church in Gaza and is one of the last remaining Christian communities in the region. Pizzaballa also reported that a rocket fired from an Israeli tank struck the nuns' convent, destroying the generator and fuel resources. The residents of the complex have been scattered due to the attacks, and the disabled individuals living in the compound are without access to necessary medical equipment. Pope Francis addressed the reports, expressing his concern and calling for prayer for peace. The IDF maintains that it only targets terrorists and their infrastructure and does not target civilians.

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