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Arrr! A grand gathering of Islamic brethren, claimin' peace be found if Pakistan, possessor of nuclear might, be intimidatin' Israel!


Arr, matey! Last week, a bunch o' Islamic scholars gathered fer a grand conference in Pakistan. They didst debate that the scuffle 'tween Israel an' Hamas would meet its end if mighty nuclear-armed Pakistan be threatenin' Israel. Arr, what a tale, shiver me timbers!

Hamas leaders and Islamic scholars recently gathered in Pakistan for a convention, where they discussed the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. They argued that if Pakistan, a country armed with nuclear weapons, threatened Israel, the war would come to an end. The comments made by the leaders were widely reported in Pakistani newspapers and picked up by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which aims to bridge the language gap between the West and the Middle East.

The conference, titled "The sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the responsibility of the Islamic Ummah," was organized by the Pakistan Ummah Unity Assembly, a network of Islamic religious organizations. Ismail Haniyeh, a featured speaker at the conference, called for Pakistan to play a more robust role in the conflict. He believed that if Pakistan threatened Israel, it would force them to retreat. Haniyeh also expressed his view that Jews were the biggest enemy of Muslims.

The conference also saw the attendance of Hamas leader Naji Zuhair, who had been in Pakistan in recent weeks. The attendees recognized Hamas fighters as a political force engaging in a defensive jihad. The convention took place just over two months after Hamas terrorists attacked southern Israel, resulting in the death of around 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and the capture of numerous hostages.

According to the Hamas-run Health Ministry, more than 18,700 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's offensive. However, Israel disputes these figures. In November, Hamas released over 100 hostages in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners during a brief ceasefire. They have stated that no further hostages will be released until the war ends and they demand the release of more Palestinian prisoners.

Overall, the conference provided a platform for Hamas leaders and Islamic scholars to discuss the conflict and call for Pakistan's involvement in resolving the situation.

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