The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye mateys! A mighty ship be crashin' into Biden's convoy! Ashley Biden be owin' a fortune in taxes, arr!


Hark ye, mateys! Avast ye! Fetch all the tales ye need-to-know from the mightiest name in news, delivered straightway to yer inbox at dawn.

In a humorous tone, here's a summary of the news articles:

- A car slams into Biden's motorcade outside his campaign headquarters, creating dramatic scenes.
- President Biden's daughter, Ashley, owes thousands of dollars in income taxes, according to documents.
- An author's 17th-century Christmas sermon warned of today's shaky morals and culture wars.
- A movie trailer sparks outrage for saying 'White people' are the most dangerous animal.
- A freed Israeli hostage warns soldiers against going into Hamas tunnels, calling it a "colossal danger."
- A CCP-tied group is quietly dropping millions of dollars into US-based climate initiatives.
- GOP lawmakers will push to meet with Hunter Biden's 'sugar brother' who paid his millions in taxes.
- Rep. Gallagher proposes a Taiwan deterrence strategy and demands a classified briefing from the Pentagon.
- Gavin Newsom's 10-year plan to end homelessness in San Francisco turns 20 without success.
- Renewed spotlight on 'illiberal bias' at the New York Times as the publisher feuds with an ex-opinion editor.
- The ad man behind Bud Light's 'Real Men of Genius' campaign reflects on the need to be more careful now.
- NBC News frames Senate sex tape video as 'conservative news outlets' pushing the story.
- White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, believes that the White House wants Hunter Biden to 'stop talking in public.'
- Harvard's Claudine Gay deserves sympathy, according to Howard Husock.
- Senator Marco Rubio discusses the real dangers of doing business in China.
- A college student who had been missing for weeks is found 300 miles from where he vanished.
- Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are among the wealthiest celebrity couples.
- Test your knowledge on holiday traditions and facts with a fun quiz.
- A civilian who busts sex predators warns of the dangers of social media.
- A polar bear celebrates his 17th birthday with his favorite enrichment treat.
- Andy McCarthy discusses the potential unconstitutionality of Hunter Biden's gun case.
- Richard Goldberg argues that we are funding both sides of a war.

In addition to the news articles, the summary includes links to various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It also mentions different newsletters and apps from Fox News, Fox Business, Fox Weather, Fox Sports, and Tubi. The summary concludes with a thank you message for choosing Fox News as the reader's first choice in the morning.

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