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Arrr! Pennsylvania be hatching a wild plot to harness thar power o' th' elements while keepin' our world shipshape!


Arrr, mateys! Pennsylvania and CNX Resources be settin' sail on a grand adventure, joinin' forces to lower emissions and safeguard our precious energy jobs through this bold voyage of transparency. Aye, 'tis a tale for the ages!

In a lighthearted and humorous tone, the author highlights an unlikely coalition of leaders, including a Democratic governor, a CEO of a natural gas company, a Pittsburgh union leader, and the president of an environmental organization, who recently came together to promote a groundbreaking initiative in Pennsylvania. This initiative aims to responsibly produce energy, create jobs, and protect public health and safety. The article emphasizes that Pennsylvania is a place where responsible energy development, a strong working class, and environmental protection can coexist, and by working together, progress can be achieved in these areas.

The collaboration between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and CNX Resources is described as a historic public-private partnership focused on reducing emissions, protecting energy jobs, and promoting transparency. CNX will voluntarily follow most of the recommendations from a statewide grand jury investigation and will also take additional steps towards radical transparency. These steps include rigorous air, water, and waste management monitoring, public disclosure of chemicals used in drilling and fracking, and unprecedented access to future wells for independent studies. The goal is to gather scientific evidence to make informed decisions that protect public health and safety.

The article emphasizes the importance of finding common ground and purpose, rejecting the notion that a robust energy economy, a healthy environment, and thriving communities cannot coexist. The author calls for bipartisan cooperation and emphasizes that moving forward with commonsense energy and environmental policies should not require an act of Congress. The Shapiro administration will implement policy changes to cover all companies in Pennsylvania, and CNX is presented as a model for other natural gas companies to follow.

Overall, the article highlights the progress being made in Pennsylvania towards responsible energy development, economic prosperity, and environmental protection. The author encourages other companies to emulate CNX's voluntary commitments and emphasizes the importance of getting things done for the people of Pennsylvania.

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