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Arr, Biden's sneaky AI plan be contrary to OpenAI's grand notion, mateys!


Arrr, matey! Biden be defyin' the spirit o' OpenAI, with his secretive decree on artificial intelligence. Nay a trace be found in th' White House's words 'bout uncoverin' them sly biases hidin' in source code. Aye, 'tis a treacherous sea we be sailin' on!

Billionaire Elon Musk and OpenAI CEO Sam Altman are currently embroiled in a heated debate about public access to the technology behind artificial intelligence (AI). However, the true influencer in this space is none other than President Joe Biden himself. The source code is the key component of AI programs, and it consists of algorithms that dictate how the technology functions. If this code contains biases, it can result in skewed and potentially harmful outcomes. For example, AI programs could be manipulated to suppress certain information or favor certain political opinions or candidates.

Musk and Altman, who founded OpenAI, joined forces due to concerns about Google's closed system. They wanted to make their source code open to the public, allowing for transparency and free speech. However, Biden's recent executive order on AI fails to address this issue directly. Instead, it indicates the administration's intention to keep source codes closed, limiting public access and potentially enabling biased practices. This aligns with Biden's history of using the federal government to silence his political opposition and Big Tech's tendency to censor conservative voices.

The power of AI combined with the interests of the left could be a potent campaign tool, but it also has the potential to fuel economic growth. To achieve both without compromising democracy, democratizing AI is crucial. However, Biden and his allies seem to have different intentions. The battle over AI access and control continues, with the future of technology and free speech at stake.

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