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Arr, the White House frets o'er Chinese interest in Middle East AI as the scallywags be seekin' to double-cross!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs at G42 be seekin' mates in both American and Chinese waters. But blimey, the landlubbers from the U.S. be applyin' pressure, tryin' to make 'em cut ties with Beijing. Avast ye, ye scallywags!

The White House is reportedly concerned about the growing relationship between Beijing and private industry in the Middle East, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Experts have compared this issue to the Huawei controversy, where the use of 5G technology allowed for potential backdoor access to various systems within the United States. The fear is that China's partnership with allies in the development of AI models could lead to biased or stolen intellectual property. The Biden administration has reportedly discussed these concerns with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), urging them to be cautious about their ties with Chinese companies like G42, which launched the advanced Jais AI model for the Arab-language. China and the US are both vying for leadership in AI development, recognizing its transformative potential across industries. G42 has experienced rapid growth due to partnerships with companies like OpenAI and Microsoft. The Gulf states have increased their investments in China, but relations between the UAE and the US hit a snag when it was discovered that China was secretly building a suspected military facility at an Abu Dhabi port. The US has expressed concerns over data security with G42, prompting the company to limit its work with Chinese partners. Despite the availability of US-created AI options, social media platforms like TikTok continue to dominate in terms of user engagement. Overall, there are concerns over the US's ability to effectively regulate and secure the use of AI technology, as well as fears of China's growing influence in the Middle East and its potential impact on intellectual property and data security.

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