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Arrr! Ukraine's military cap'n says me office be infested with a sneaky listenin' contraption 'pon these troubled seas with Russia.


Arrr! 'Tis a scurvy tale, me hearties! Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, the mighty captain of Ukraine's military, be claimin' that a hidden ear-trumpet be found in his cabin, and mayhaps other cursed creepy crawlies be lurkin' nearby. Avast! 'Tis a battle o' the bugs!

Ukraine's military chief, Army Cmdr. Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, revealed that a covert listening device was discovered in one of his offices. The bug, which was not operational, was found during a routine sweep conducted by Ukraine's Security Service. Although Zaluzhnyi did not provide further details, he hinted that bugs may have been detected in other locations as well. As a result of this revelation, suspicion quickly fell on Russia, given the ongoing conflict between the two countries.

The murky nature of these developments has left many questions unanswered, and officials have not provided any further comments on the matter. The intelligence services of both Russia and Ukraine have been active during the war, with Ukraine's military intelligence chief surviving 10 assassination attempts carried out by the Russian state security service. Additionally, Ukraine's spy agency has reportedly been involved in sabotage operations far behind the front lines.

The situation on the ground remains dire, with artillery bombardments continuing to claim civilian lives. The wintry conditions have further complicated the front-line fighting, as mud and snow make maneuvering difficult. In the past 24 hours, two Ukrainian civilians were killed and at least two others were injured. The Russian army's shelling in the Sumy region resulted in the death of a civilian and damage to residential buildings. In the south, an elderly man died during an attack on the center of Kherson city.

As the conflict enters its 22nd month, it shows no signs of abating. The ongoing violence and covert activities only serve to exacerbate tensions between the two countries.

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