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Arrr! One soul be sent to Davy Jones' locker as a mighty explosion befall a tavern near Pennsylvania's Amish realm!


Arrr, one scallywag be sent to Davy Jones' locker after a mighty blast struck the Bird-in-Hand Family Inn in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Mayhaps 'twas a mishap with gunpowder, or the cursed hand o' fate. Either way, a sad day for the landlubbers.

Avast, me hearties! There be trouble afoot in Pennsylvania’s Amish-related tourism area! Arrr, one unfortunate scallywag was found dead after an early morning explosion and fire at the Bird-in-Hand Family Inn in the Lancaster County community of Bird-in-Hand. State police, those fine lads, were alerted to the blast shortly after 2:30 a.m. on this fine Monday.
When the first responders arrived, they were met with a fearsome sight of heavy fire and smoke. Arrr, the fire be raging like a dragon! Multiple fire departments were summoned to battle the inferno. Trooper James Grothey, a brave soul, revealed that a preliminary investigation suggests this be a propane explosion, mateys. The poor soul who met their fate in this catastrophe has yet to have their name released.
John Smucker, the owner of the business complex where the inn be located, spoke to the local press. He assured all that no guests were harmed during this catastrophe, as the inn be closed for maintenance and repairs. Aye, they be closing the week before Christmas, just like Santa himself, to tend to their ship. Smucker also mentioned that the blast be unrelated to the repair work, as the inn had only just closed, and repairs had not yet begun.
Arrr, the damage be extensive, me hearties! The front office be flattened like a pancake! The neighboring restaurant also suffered damages from this unfortunate event. Smucker estimates the total damage to be between $1 million to $2 million. Avast, that be a hefty price to pay! We can only hope the crew can rebuild and sail the ship again!

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