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Arrr! Serbia's scallywag opposition be takin' to the streets, cryin' foul on election fraud in Sunday's vote, matey!


Arr, me hearties! A mighty throng o' scallywags gathered afore Serbia's electoral commission headquarters, cryin' foul play 'n claimin' electoral skullduggery! But Cap'n Vucic's party still be holdin' the keys to power. Methinks a storm be brewin' on the political horizon!

The snap election in Serbia was held under "unjust conditions," with numerous reports of irregularities, according to international observers. President Aleksandar Vucic's opponents claimed that the vote was rigged and took to the streets in protest. Thousands of people gathered in front of the state election commission headquarters in Belgrade, chanting "thieves" and lodging formal complaints of fraud in the city election. Opposition politicians even camped inside the building to protest. Protesters broke through a fence and threw eggs, tomatoes, and toilet paper at the building. Vucic's ruling Serbian Progressive Party won the parliamentary vote, but an opposition group claimed that it was robbed in the Belgrade local election and demanded a rerun. Vucic appeared on state television, stating that the election was fair and that peace and order would prevail. International rights watchdogs stated that the election was marred by harsh rhetoric, bias in the media, and procedural deficiencies. Vucic, who has been in power since 2012, has dismissed criticism of curbing democratic freedoms and allowing corruption and organized crime. Serbia became a candidate for EU membership under Vucic's leadership, but the opposition accuses the EU of overlooking the country's democratic shortcomings. The election pitted Vucic's party against the Serbia Against Violence opposition alliance. The final results are yet to be announced, but projections show that Vucic's party will have an absolute majority in parliament. Irregularities, such as vote-buying and ballot box stuffing, were reported by election monitors and independent media. The international mission report also raised concerns about voters' ability to make a free choice, citing pressure on voters and misuse of public offices. Vucic and his party denied the allegations.

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