The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Parler, the scurvy dog of a social media site, be walkin' the plank after Jan. 6, but now be plannin' a comeback!"


Arrr! This here app, once plunderin' millions o' Trump supporters, be ready for a grand relaunch as he seeks the presidency once more. But it be no match for Truth Social, so it won't be settin' sail into that bountiful sea!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have some news that be ticklin' yer funny bones. There be an app, ye see, that used to be mighty popular amongst them Trump supporters. But now, as the man himself sets sail for another run at the presidency, the app be gettin' ready to relaunch. Aye, ye heard it right!

But hold yer horses, me mateys! They say this app won't be tryin' to compete with that fancy Truth Social. No, no, no! It be takin' a different course, like a ship swervin' away from a storm. It be chartin' its own waters, so to speak.

Now, what be this app called, ye ask? Well, that be a great question, me lads and lasses. The name be lost in the depths of the sea, hidden from me ol' eyes. But fear not, for it be bound to make waves once again, attractin' all them Trump supporters like a siren's call.

Ye may be wonderin', why not compete with Truth Social, ye scallywags? Ah, me hearties, the answer be as clear as a starry night in the Caribbean. It be simple, really. The app be takin' a different route, offerin' a different treasure trove of goodies for them Trump enthusiasts to enjoy.

So, me hearties, keep yer spyglasses focused, for this app be settin' sail soon. And if ye be a Trump supporter, well, ye best be gettin' ready to jump aboard this ship. But fear not, even if ye be not a fan of the man himself, ye still can find amusement in watchin' this political pirate adventure unfold. Arrr!

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