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Arrr, the Catholic Church's counsel on matrimony be stayin' steadfast, says the US bishops, in the wake o' the Vatican scroll!


Arr! Ye scurvy dogs of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops be makin' it known to the faithful landlubbers that the Vatican's parchment o' approval for blessin' same-sex relations be not a changin' of its sacred doctrine. Swab the decks, mateys, 'tis still smooth sailin' ahead!

A document from the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has caused controversy as it approved blessings for people in same-sex relationships. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has attempted to clarify the document by publishing guidance for the US faithful. The document, titled "Fiducia supplicans," approved pastoral blessings for remarried individuals and people in same-sex relationships under strict parameters. The USCCB emphasized that the Church's teaching on marriage has not changed, but they believe in offering pastoral blessings to accompany people in their desire for God's love and mercy. The Vatican document affirms the Church's inability to change the sacrament of marriage and states that the Church does not have the power to bless unions of persons of the same sex. Individual bishops in the US have offered their own explanations to help their parishioners understand the document, emphasizing that the blessing is not meant to legitimize same-sex unions but to help people live better lives and invoke the Holy Spirit. Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago praised the document and called it a step forward for the Catholic Church. However, concerns have been raised by laity around the world that the document may embolden leaders who oppose the doctrine. The German Bishops' Conference, known for its push for changes to traditional marriage, criticized the document for not accepting "queer" individuals. They expect blessings to be made possible in all dioceses.

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