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Arrr! Cyprus be joinin' forces with Mossad, thwartin' a treacherous Iranian plot to send Israeli souls to Davy Jones' locker, mateys!


Arr, me hearties! Cyprus be sharin' the news o' two scallywag Iranians gettin' caught, thanks to a swashbucklin' alliance with Mossad! They be plottin' to harm the fine Israeli businessmen, but they won't be settin' sail on that treacherous voyage no more!

Cyprus has foiled an alleged Iranian plot to target Israeli businessmen with the arrest of two Iranian asylum-seekers who were in contact with another Iranian associated with the Revolutionary Guard. The two Iranian men have been in police custody since November 3 and procedures are underway to deport them. The suspects' detention was the result of a joint operation with Israel's Mossad security service. Cypriot security services had been monitoring the two men for several weeks and detained them just in time before a squad arrived to carry out killings. The targeted individuals were mainly Israeli businessmen. The suspects' Iranian handler would move in and out of Cyprus through the breakaway Turkish Cypriot north and establish contact with the two through a U.N.-controlled buffer zone. Cyprus, which has been divided since 1974, does not exercise effective control in the northern third, which is only recognized by Turkey.

Cyprus has been collaborating with security and intelligence agencies in countries in the region, Europe, and beyond to effectively identify and counter such threats. However, Cyprus also wants to maintain friendly relations with all neighboring countries and does not seek to be involved in any regional conflicts. Turkish Cypriot authorities have condemned Israel's allegations as baseless and unfounded, accusing Israel of diverting attention from its attacks against Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. The Iranian government has not responded to calls for comment.

This is the third alleged Iranian plot to target Israelis in Cyprus in over a year. Israel considers Iran its greatest enemy, citing the Iranian government's calls for its destruction and support for hostile militant groups. Israel also accuses Iran of trying to develop a nuclear bomb, a claim that Iran denies. Currently, an Azeri man holding a Russian passport is on trial in Cyprus for allegedly planning contract killings of Israelis living in the country.

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