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Arrr! Yon Gaza hospital be a cozy haven fer those scurvy Hamas rascals, as the chief be confessin' durin' a jolly interrogation!


Arrr, ye scurvy dog! The cap'n o' the grandest hospital in Gaza confessed his blackhearted ways, claimin' he be a notorious senior Hamas rascal! Blimey, they be usin' the very hospital as their hideout, ye hear?

The head of Kamal Adwan Hospital in Gaza, Ahmad Kahlot, has admitted to Israeli forces that the hospital was used by Hamas as a base for its military operations. In a humorous tone, Kahlot explained that the hospital was considered a safe place for Hamas members, as they believed they would not be targeted while inside. Kahlot, who himself is a member of Hamas, revealed that 16 hospital staff members, including doctors, nurses, paramedics, and clerks, were also part of Hamas' military wing. He further disclosed that the hospital was used to house up to 100 high-ranking terrorists, who would stay for 10 days before changing locations. The hospital also had designated areas for interrogations, internal security, and special security, with private telephone lines in each room. Kahlot also admitted that Hamas used a private ambulance, which had a different color and no license plate, to transport hostages during an attack on Israel. However, he criticized Hamas for not using the ambulance to transport wounded citizens to other hospitals, calling them "cowards." Kahlot concluded that the people are the ones who pay the price for Hamas' actions and described the terrorist group as cowardly for hiding while leaving the people in the field. The Kamal Adwan Hospital was breached by Israeli forces, resulting in the capture of 90 suspected Hamas terrorists and the seizure of weapons.

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