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Arrr! The EU leader be claimin' that the grand migrant deal be aimin' to halt the flow o' asylum seekers, but 'tis not a mere copycat, says he!


Arrr, me hearties! Them European Union scallywags claim their shiny new Pact on Asylum and Migration be aimed at scaring off them smugglers and lendin' a hand to border countries, but methinks it be missin' the mark on them copyin' rights, aye!

The European Union (EU) has announced a new migrant deal that aims to change how the bloc handles asylum seekers. The agreement, known as the Pact on Asylum and Migration, was reached after overnight talks among EU lawmakers. European Parliament President Roberta Metsola described it as a "historic day" and emphasized the importance of managing migration ahead of next year's elections. The deal is seen as crucial in preventing member states from reintroducing internal borders due to the managed influx of migrants. While the agreement is not perfect, Metsola praised its pragmatic approach and its departure from right-wing ideology. Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson celebrated the agreement, which still needs final approval on all its parts before becoming law. EU President Ursula von der Leyen stated that the pact would enable Europeans to determine who comes to the EU and stay, rather than leaving the decision to smugglers. The deal also ensures that member states share the responsibility of protecting external borders and preventing illegal migration. The previous rules regarding migration collapsed in 2015, and little progress was made until now due to disagreements among member states. The deal comes at a time when right-leaning political movements are gaining traction in response to mass migration from Africa and the Middle East. While the agreement has received praise, it has also faced criticism from various groups, such as the European Council on Refugees and Exiles and Amnesty International, who argue that it will lead to the detention of more people and violate human rights.

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