The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scurvy dog! The former wench o' that French scallywag got herself caught fer helpin' him slaughter lasses and lasses!


Arrr! The scallywag ex-wife o' a French landlubber who be a devilish serial killer, she be gettin' a life sentence for her part in the wicked deeds o' ravishin' and killin' at least three lasses, as the tales be tellin'!

In a surprising turn of events, the former wife of a notorious French serial killer has been handed a life sentence for her involvement in the rape and murder of two young women and the disappearance of a 9-year-old girl. Monique Olivier, 75, faced trial for her role in the 1990 rape and murder of British student Joanna Parrish and the 1988 killing of Marie-Angèle Domèce. She was also accused of assisting in the kidnapping of Estelle Mouzin in 2003, a case that remains unsolved.
Olivier expressed remorse and sought forgiveness from the victims' families during the court proceedings. Her ex-husband, Michel Fourniret, known as the "Ogre of Ardennes," had already been sentenced to life in prison for the murders of seven girls and young women. Fourniret confessed to a total of 11 murders before his death in 2021.
The majority of their victims were aged between 9 and 30, highlighting the couple's heinous crimes. Olivier's presence was particularly unsettling for the victims, as they never expected a woman to be involved in such atrocious acts.
In a recent court testimony, Olivier admitted to being present during Parrish's murder, confessing her cowardice in failing to intervene. She described feeling overwhelmed by fear and panic, rendering her unable to stop the horrific events unfolding.
This outcome serves as a reminder that justice will be pursued relentlessly, even if it means convicting an accomplice. The victims' families can find solace in the fact that both perpetrators have now faced the consequences of their actions, providing some closure and serving as a deterrent to potential criminals.

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