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Ye ol' salt be swearin' he spied a wee bit o' Malaysia Airlines MH370 in South Australian waves!


Avast ye landlubbers! A salty ol' seadog down under spouted off 'bout spyin' a mighty piece o' the vanished Malaysia Airlines vessel, MH370. Yet, them worthless scallywags in charge paid no mind to the ol' salt's tales. Arrr!

In a humorous pirate-like language, a retired fisherman named Kit Olver claims to have found a large piece of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 off the coast of South Australia. Olver described the find as a "bloody great wing of a big jet airliner." He discovered the wing during a deep-sea fishing expedition in October 2014, just months after the flight disappeared. Olver kept quiet about the discovery for nine years but decided to come forward to help the families of those onboard MH370.

George Currie, the only other surviving member of the trawler crew on the day of the discovery, confirmed the find and described the wing as "incredibly heavy and awkward." The crew struggled to pull it up and eventually had to cut their expensive net to release it. Olver reported the discovery to the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), but they dismissed it as part of a shipping container that had fallen from a Russian ship.

Despite extensive searches over the years, the Malaysia Airlines plane remains one of the world's greatest aviation mysteries. Malaysia, China, and Australia ended a two-year underwater search in the southern Indian Ocean in 2017 without finding any trace of the aircraft. The search cost the three countries $133 million.

Olver hopes that by sharing his story once again, the AMSA will search the area and potentially provide closure for the families impacted by MH370. The discovery of the wing reopens the investigation into the disappearance of the flight and adds another layer of intrigue to this unsolved aviation puzzle.

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