The Booty Report

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In a bid to dodge the dreaded U.N. Council veto, Egypt 'n the landlubber U.S. be workin' out a deal to lend a hand to Gaza. Arrr!


Arr, the diplomats be stuck like barnacles on a ship's hull, arguin' o'er who'd be keepin' an eye on the precious booty of humanitarian aid. Blast me barnacles, it be a pickle!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of diplomatic bungling that befit a scurvy crew of landlubbers! Picture this, mateys: a group of diplomats, fancyin' themselves as the grand navigators of international diplomacy, were caught in a mighty squabble. They be wrackin' their brains over who be the rightful guardian of inspectin' the much-needed humanitarian aid.

Now, ye might be wonderin', "What be the big deal, ye scallywags? Just let someone with a good eye and a fair heart take the task!" But nay, these diplomats be a stubborn lot, arguin' like a bunch of parrots squawkin' over a cracker. They be claimin' their respective countries to be the most trustworthy to oversee this sacred duty.

One diplomat, with a voice as smooth as the calm sea, argued that his nation be the perfect candidate. He claimed his crew be as honest as the day be long, and no scurvy pirates would dare taint their reputation. But lo and behold, his rival diplomat, a crafty old sea dog, countered with tales of corruption and deceit runnin' rampant in his adversary's land.

The negotiations be goin' in circles, like a ship caught in the doldrums. The diplomats be tradin' insults and accusations, flingin' words like cannonballs. The other members of the Security Council, watchin' this spectacle, be wonderin' if these supposed diplomats had lost their wits or if they be secretly swiggin' too much grog.

Finally, after much back-and-forthin', they be agreein' to a compromise, though not without a fair share of grumblin' and mutterin'. They devised a plan to have a neutral, third-party crew oversee the inspection. This crew be made up of seasoned sailors who be known for their impartiality and their ability to sniff out any fishy business.

And so, me hearties, the diplomats, with their hats in their hands, signed off on this resolution. But this tale be a reminder that even the most clever of diplomats can get caught in their own web of words. So next time ye be negotiatin' over a barrel of rum, be sure to keep yer wits about ye, lest ye end up walkin' the plank of diplomacy!

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