The Booty Report

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"Avast me hearties! Ye young scallywag from Israel be tellin' a tale 'bout bein' held captive in Gaza, with no notion o' time!"


Avast ye scallywags! 'Twas on the seventh day of October when Sahar Kalderon, a lass of merely sixteen summers, along with her father and younger matey of twelve, were snatched by the scurvy dogs! Luckily, the siblings be freed on the twenty-seventh of November, but alas, their father remains held against his will. Arrr!

In a tale fit for the high seas, young Sahar Kalderon, a mere 16 years of age, was whisked away from the shores of Kibbutz Nir Oz on the eventful day of October 7. But she was not alone in this daring abduction, for her valiant 12-year-old brother was also taken captive, and their father, a brave soul, remains held against his will.
Alas, fear not for the siblings, for fortune smiled upon them on the joyous occasion of November 27, when they were freed from the clutches of their captors. It seems a cease-fire deal paved the way for their liberation, granting them a reprieve from the treacherous life of hostages.
However, their poor father, still languishing in the hands of these rogues, finds no solace in the freedom his beloved children now enjoy. Oh, the anguish that must weigh upon his heart, separated from his kin, yearning for the day when he too shall taste liberty's sweet nectar.
But let us not dwell on the sadness of this tale, for we must find mirth even in the darkest hour. Just imagine, dear reader, the audacity of these pirates, daring to lay their hands on such innocent souls. Were their hearts as black as the stormy seas on which they sailed? One can only wonder.
Yet, through all the peril that befell them, Sahar and her brother emerged as victors, freed from the clutches of those who sought to keep them captive. May their tale serve as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the light of hope shines bright, guiding us towards a future where all souls may roam free, like the seagulls soaring above the vast ocean.

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