The Booty Report

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Avast ye, mateys! Th' Czech police have snared a scurvy suspect who be claimin' he be inspired by th' Prague shooter, wishin' to send souls to Davy Jones' locker as well!


Arrr! The Czech Republic be catchin' a scurvy dog, claimin' he be followin' the footsteps of the Prague mass shooter! This scallywag be seekin' to buy a pistol to unleash his wicked plans upon the world. Avast ye, justice prevails!

The Czech Republic police have released bodycam footage of the arrest of a suspect who admitted to being inspired by the Prague mass shooter and expressed a desire to buy a gun and commit a similar act. In response to Thursday's attack at Charles University, which resulted in 14 deaths and numerous injuries, police have increased security at schools and other vulnerable locations. The suspect was identified a few hours after a caller reported his intentions, and the video shows armed officers entering the suspect's residence after breaching the door. The Prime Minister has declared a national day of mourning for the victims, and all 14 people who died in the attack have been identified. Among the deceased is the head of the Institute of Music Sciences at Charles University. Three of the injured were foreigners, and the motive for the shooting remains unclear, with no apparent link to terrorism. The gunman, a 24-year-old student, killed himself on the balcony of a university building when approached by police. It is believed that he had killed his father earlier in the day and had been planning to take his own life. The police chief stated that the gunman may have been inspired by a terrorist attack in Russia and had legally owned several guns, which he used during the attack.

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