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Arrr! Polish lub Ukrainian bishops be joinin' forces t'give Vatican's same-sex blessin' document a proper scurvy shake!


Arrr! Avast ye! Them Eastern European lubbers in the Catholic Church be joinin' forces with the scallywags, opposin' the Vatican's scroll that permits blessin's for same-sex mates, but only under certain situations. Arr, the seas be roiled, me hearties!

In a humorous tone, the worldwide Catholic Church is facing battles over the Vatican's publication of "Fiducia Supplicans," a document outlining when individuals in same-sex or "irregular" couples can be blessed. The initial dispute came from African prelates in countries such as Nigeria, Zambia, Cameroon, and Malawi, but now Eastern European leaders have also joined in dissent. The Polish Episcopal Conference stated that individuals in same-sex relationships cannot receive a blessing because it goes against the will and wisdom of God. "Fiducia Supplicans" clarified that while the union between two members of the same sex cannot be blessed, "spontaneous" blessings can be given to individuals seeking to lead more moral lives. Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church declared that Eastern Rite Catholics should not follow the document's guidance, as it only applies to the Latin Church. He emphasized the differences in pastoral customs between the Ukrainian Greek and Latin churches. The publication of "Fiducia Supplicans" has created division within the Catholic Church, with debates among bishops, priests, and laity. Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, the document's author, has faced questions on its ambiguous text. Fernández defended the blessings, stating that they are pastoral channels to help express people's faith, even if they are considered great sinners. He affirmed that the blessings are meant to invoke God's help for individuals to live more in line with the Gospel. However, the publication has caused a nightmare for Church unity and inspired fierce debate within the Catholic community.

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