The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye be seein' a forsaken graveyard o' Algerians, aye, a reminder o' France's woeful past!


Arrr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that families be pleadin' for the diggin' of a land where 'tis said the mortal remains of nigh 50 wee scallywags, the spawn of Algerian warriors, rest. These poor souls met their fate in the treacherous confines of internment camps whilst fightin' for France!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to a tale of the landlubbers who be seekin' to dig up some buried treasure, not of gold or jewels, but of the bones of 50 wee ones. These be the sons and daughters of Algerians, brave souls who fought under the French flag. Aye, they be restin' in internment camps, far from their homeland.

Now, ye might be wonderin' why these good folks be wantin' to disturb the sleepin' souls of these young scallywags. It be because they be wantin' closure, ye see. They be yearnin' to give these young'uns a proper send-off, a final restin' place, where their spirits can rest easy for eternity.

But hold yer horses, me mateys! There be those who be doubting the existence of these young souls in the first place. They be claimin' there be no evidence of their graves, that it be nothin' more than a myth. Aye, they be doubters and skeptics, tryin' to throw the doubloons in the water, so to speak.

Yet the families, bless their souls, be persistent. They be rallyin' together, raisin' their voices, and demandin' that the land be dug up for the truth to be revealed. They be wantin' to honor the memory of their kin and shed light on a dark chapter in history.

So, me hearties, the question be whether these families be findin' what they be seekin'. Will the graves of these young lads and lasses be discovered, puttin' an end to the doubtin' and the skeptics? Only time will tell, but for now, let us raise a mug of grog and salute the courage of these families, fightin' for justice and peace for their ancestors, even after all these years.

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