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Arr, Kim Jong UN be banishin' Christmas, but bravehearted scallywags be sendin' Bibles, grub, and words o' cheer!


Avast ye scurvy knaves! 'Tis true, amidst the land of North Korea, Christmas be banned! But fear ye not, for brave souls be gatherin' to dispatch bottles o' hope, faith, and freedom to them poor souls sufferin' under the tyrannical rule o' Kim Jong Un! Yo ho ho, let freedom's winds blow!

Christmas may be banned in North Korea, but a group of activists is determined to spread messages of hope, faith, and freedom to the people suffering under the dictatorship of Kim Jong Un. These activists have launched bottles into the Yellow Sea, filled with flash drives celebrating the holiday and containing Bible readings. The currents will carry these bottles to the shores of North Korea, delivering a message of Christmas and faith to those who need it most.

The North Korean Freedom Coalition, based in Washington, D.C., sponsored these messages as part of their "Operation Truth," which aims to provide critical help to the starving people of North Korea. Each bottle also contains enough rice to feed a family of four for a week, a Bible on a flash drive, and a U.S. $1 bill. The group has conducted 17 launches of these bottles, and among those participating are nine North Korean escapees who want to bring freedom back to their homeland.

Suzanne Scholte, the chair of the North Korean Freedom Coalition, believes it is crucial to get information into North Korea by any means possible. She compares their efforts to the Berlin Airlift, emphasizing the importance of helping the people of North Korea who are suffering under the regime.

The flash drives also contain North Korean music, with altered lyrics that shift from worshiping Kim Jong Un to worshiping God. They also feature K-Pop songs, the Books of Matthew and Mark, and recorded messages from several members of Congress advocating for freedom in North Korea.

Through their various initiatives, including the launch of bottles and the distribution of shortwave radios, the North Korean Freedom Coalition is working to provide the people of North Korea with access to information about the outside world. They believe that by doing so, they can offer hope and a chance for a better life to those trapped in the regime.

The efforts of these activists serve as a reminder of the power of hope and the importance of standing up for freedom and human rights, even in the face of oppressive regimes.

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