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Arrr! Them landlubbing souls from an African land be choosin' to back a new set o' rules, makin' their mighty leader hold the reins!


Arrr, me hearties! On a fine Sunday, the bloomin' Chadian voters set sail to the polls. A sturdy 86% of those scallywags voted aye for a new constitution, bolsterin' the rule of our noble captain, Mahamat Idriss Deby! Avast, the winds of change be blowin'!

Citizens of the African nation of Chad have voted in favor of a new constitution, which some critics argue will further consolidate power for junta leader Mahamat Idriss Deby. The referendum saw a turnout of 64% of voters, with 86% approving the new constitution. Military officials stress the importance of this vote for the upcoming elections, claiming it will pave the way for a return to democratic rule. The military took control of Chad in 2021 following the death of former president Idriss Deby during a conflict with insurgents.
The new constitution maintains Chad as a unitary state, despite some opponents calling for the establishment of a federal state to stimulate development. Many opposition groups have also urged a boycott of the referendum, citing the junta's excessive control over the process. Initially, Deby had promised an 18-month transition to elections after his father's death, but the government subsequently postponed the elections until 2024, allowing Deby to potentially run for president. Earlier this year, Chad's government thwarted an attempt to destabilize the country and undermine the constitution, resulting in the arrest and trial of 11 individuals for offenses such as undermining the constitutional order and illegal possession of firearms.
Mahamat Idriss Deby assumed the role of head of state following his father's passing in April 2021, deviating from the Chadian constitution's line of succession. Initially deemed a coup d'état by opposition parties, they later accepted Deby as interim leader for 18 months. In October 2022, Chadian security forces opened fire on anti-government protesters, leading to the deaths of at least 60 individuals. Analysts believe the arrests made in the recent attempt to silence dissident voices.
Overall, the referendum in Chad has sparked controversy and debate over the consolidation of power, the future of democratic rule, and the legitimacy of the junta government.

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