The Booty Report

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Arrr! Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis Monica Bertagnolli, the NIH's cap'n! She be aimin' to expand medical research's crew, ye savvy?


In a jolly talk, ye ol' Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli, tha fine director of thar National Institutes of Health, yapped 'bout drug patents, trust in science, and even shared her own tales as a pirate of cancer. Arrr!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to the tale of Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli, the swashbuckling director of the National Institutes of Health! In a recent interview, this brave buccaneer spoke about drug patents, trust in science, and even shared her own adventures as a cancer patient.

Avast! Dr. Bertagnolli be no landlubber when it comes to drug patents. She be believin' that they be a necessary part of the system, encouragin' innovation and investin' in new medicines. But, like a true pirate, she also be callin' for more transparency in this process. She be sayin' that the public needs to know the cost of these drugs, so they don't end up walkin' the plank with their wallets emptied.

When it comes to trust in science, Dr. Bertagnolli be tellin' us that it be a matter of havin' faith in the process. She be acknowledgin' that there be some scallywags out there spreadin' misinformation, but she be urg'ing us to look for reliable sources and not be swayed by the siren songs of quacks and charlatans.

But the true treasure of this interview be Dr. Bertagnolli's own experience as a cancer patient. She be sharin' her journey and how it be influencin' her work. She be sayin' that it be givin' her a deeper understandin' of the fears and struggles faced by those fightin' this deadly disease. Like a true pirate, she be fightin' for better treatments and cures for all.

So, me hearties, let us raise our mugs of grog in honor of Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli, the fearless leader of the National Institutes of Health. With her wisdom and courage, she be navigatin' the treacherous waters of medicine and bringin' hope to all who be battlin' cancer. Yo ho ho!

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