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Verily, mateys! The dashing scribe Evan Gershkovich be marooned in Russia, a thump to the noggin' fer Wall Street Journal and Uncle Sam, arr!


Arr, ye scurvy landlubber Evan Gershkovich, a Wall Street Journal scribe, be gettin' confined in Russia without no end in sight! They be claimin' he's a spy, but who be believin' such tomfoolery? 'Tis a tale that's makin' waves in the media seas of 2023, mateys!

A year ago, journalist Evan Gershkovich was a free man, but now he is spending Christmas Day in a Moscow prison, accused of espionage. Gershkovich has been wrongfully detained since March and has become a symbol of the dangers faced by journalists in authoritarian nations. Despite being confined in the notorious Lefortovo prison for 271 days, he has maintained his good humor and physical fitness. The Biden administration and Wall Street Journal have called the spying charges absurd and are working behind the scenes to secure his release. Gershkovich's family, friends, and colleagues have organized letter-writing campaigns and social media awareness to keep his plight in the public consciousness. There have been cautious signs of optimism and the Wall Street Journal editor encourages raising awareness of his situation. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signaled that a deal for Gershkovich's release is possible. The Wall Street Journal has dispatched a reporter to focus solely on his release and explore options beyond prisoner swaps. Gershkovich's mother and father have pleaded with the Biden administration to bring him home. The White House says it is pursuing every avenue to secure his release. Gershkovich's colleagues continue to miss him and hope for his return. Supporters are encouraged to "Save a Seat" for him at their holiday tables.

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