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Arrr, in Ukraine, Christmas be settlin' on Dec. 25, yet another bloomin' smack on Russia's face!


Arr, mateys! The Ukrainian Orthodox Church be shiftin' their merry-makin' day, breakin' away from them landlubber Russians! No longer sharin' the same grog on Jan. 7, by the Julian calendar, arrr!

In the grog-soaked land of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church recently decided to spice up their festivities by shaking things up with a change in date. Aye, me hearties, they be departing from the Russian tradition of celebrating on the seventh day of January, as per the Julian calendar. Arr, it be a bold move, indeed!

In the days of yore, the Russian tradition held sway, and the Ukrainian folk would merrily celebrate Christmas when the calendar be showing January 7. But now, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church be saying, "Blimey, let's be different!"

Avast, me mateys, ye may be wonderin' why they be changin' their tune. 'Tis because the Ukrainian Orthodox Church be followin' the Gregorian calendar for all their other feasts and celebrations, like Easter. They be reckonin' it be high time to align the Christmas celebration with the rest of the calendar, lest they be feelin' out of sorts.

So, from now on, on the Gregorian date of December 25, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church be raisin' their glasses and singin' their carols, just like the rest of the world. Aye, 'tis a merry change indeed!

But fear not, me hearties, for this change be not causin' a major ruckus in the land. The Ukrainian folk be a resilient bunch, and they be accustomed to adaptin' to the winds of change. They be embracin' this new date with open arms, and still celebratin' in true Ukrainian style, with feasts fit for a king and decorations that be dazzlin' the eye.

And so, me hearties, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church be settin' sail on a new course, departin' from the Russian tradition and followin' the Gregorian calendar like the rest of the world. 'Tis a change that be bringin' laughter and joy to the land, as they be toastin' to a Christmas celebration that be in sync with the times. Yo ho ho, me hearties, 'tis a Christmas like no other!

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