The Booty Report

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Arrr! The Brexiteers did swear to 'Reclaim Command' o' U.K. borders. But, arr me hearties, what befallen?


Arrr! Aye, there be a mighty flood o' legal immigrants sailin' to Britain from distant shores beyond the E.U. in recent years, mateys! But alas, them scallywags on the starboard side be cryin' "Brexit betrayal"! Avast, the seas be rough!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, for I bring ye tidings of a grand adventure unfoldin' in ol' Britain! 'Tis a tale of legal immigrants, hailing from lands beyond the E.U., who have swarmed the shores like a pack of ravenous sea dogs in recent years. Aye, ye heard right, record numbers they be!

But hold yer horses, me buccaneers! There be those on the right, with their feathers all ruffled, who be cryin' foul play and shoutin' "Brexit betrayal!" Aye, they claim that these newcomers be nothin' but traitors to the noble cause of Brexit. They be thinkin' that Britain, in all her sovereign glory, should be guardin' her borders tighter than a captain clutchin' his treasure chest.

But let me tell ye a thing or two, me hearties. These legal immigrants ain't no scurvy mutineers, lookin' to plunder and pillage our fair land. Nay, they be doctors, engineers, and all sorts of skilled hands, ready to lend their expertise to our great nation. They be bringin' new ideas, diverse cultures, and flavorsome spices to our shores, like a gust of fresh sea breeze fillin' our sails.

So why be we callin' it a "Brexit betrayal," me mateys? Methinks the right be worryin' 'bout nothin'. After all, ain't Brexit all about takin' back control? Well, by Davy Jones' locker, ain't these legal immigrants exercisin' their rightful freedom to come and settle among us? They be contributin' to our economy, fillin' gaps in our workforce, and enrichin' our communities.

So let's raise a tankard o' rum to these adventurous souls, venturin' far from their homeland to seek a better life in our fair isles. Let's not be lettin' the cries of "betrayal" cloud our judgment, me hearties. Instead, let's embrace these newcomers with open arms, for they be the winds of change blowin' through our sails, guidin' us to greater shores!

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