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Yarr! Them Iranian scallywags be claimin' them Israeli dogs did fire their cannons, takin' a Revolutionary Guards matey down!


Avast, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis a tale o' woe, as 'tis said a fearsome leader o' the Iranian Revolutionary Guards met 'is untimely end in a mighty missile blow, dealt by none other than Israel! Damascus, the fair capital o' Syria, be the stage where this treacherous act unfolded on a fateful Monday.

In a humorous tone, we present the news of an Israeli airstrike outside Damascus in Syria, which Iranian state media claims killed a senior advisor in Iran's Revolutionary Guards. The late Sayyed Razi Mousavi was responsible for coordinating a military alliance between Iran and Syria. State television interrupted its programming to announce his death, describing him as one of the oldest advisors for the Guard in Syria.

The announcement stated that Mousavi had accompanied Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Guards' elite Quds Force, who was killed in a U.S. drone attack in Iraq in 2020. Iranian Ambassador Damascus Hossein Akbari told state television that Mousavi, who was in the embassy as a diplomat, was killed by missiles fired by Israel after returning home from work.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi saw the assassination as a sign of Israel's weakness and stated, "This act is a sign of the Zionist regime's frustration and weakness in the region for which it will certainly pay the price." The Revolutionary Guards echoed this sentiment, declaring that Israel would pay for killing the advisor.

Israel's military did not immediately comment on Mousavi's death. However, attacks on Iran-linked targets in Syria by Israel are not new and have occurred for years. Tehran's influence in the country has grown after supporting President Bashar al-Assad in the civil war that began in 2011 in Syria.

Earlier this month, Iran claimed that Israeli strikes killed two other members of the Revolutionary Guards who served as military advisors in Syria. It remains to be seen how Iran will respond to Mousavi's death, with a spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry stating that Iran reserves the right to take necessary measures at the appropriate time and place.

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