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Arr! There be much pillagin' and plunderin' in Sudan, as the Biden scallywags be accused o' bein' idle!


Arrr, me hearties! The civil war in Sudan hath caused a sorry sight, with swarms o' displaced souls aboundin'. Aye, over 12,000 landlubbers have met their sorry end in this here fierce fight, while the violence be growin' fiercer by the day.

New misery has befallen the people of Sudan as the Biden administration is accused of inaction. Rebel militia from the Rapid Support Force (RSF) are terrorizing and looting the regional capital of Wad Madina. Over a quarter of a million people have fled the area, adding to the six million who have already been displaced. The situation is described as a "terrible and traumatic turn of events," with people losing their homes and assets for the second time. Sudan is described as a collapsed state, with both sides of the conflict accused of horrific violence and war crimes. The United States and international partners have called for an end to the fighting and for the RSF and Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) to cease their actions. However, critics argue that the Biden administration lacks the persuasion and ability to intervene effectively. The conflict in Sudan is complex and difficult to resolve, and critics believe that outside intervention is necessary. The Russians, through the Wagner Group, are mining and exporting Sudanese gold to finance their war against Ukraine, further complicating the situation. Sudan is seen as a key country for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who wants to establish a naval base at Port Sudan and position Russia well in the Red Sea. The humanitarian situation in Sudan is dire, with appeals for funding largely unfunded. The future looks bleak, with Sudan repeating its history of destruction through warlords. Some experts suggest that the U.S. should take more decisive action, but there are doubts about whether this will happen without a major change in foreign policy.

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