The Booty Report

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Avast ye! The Congo opposition scallywag be claimin' the scoundrel police be firin' leaden shots durin' their election ruckus. Arrr!


Arrr, in the land o' Congo, me matey, Martin Fayulu be cryin' foul! He be claimin' the scallywag police be shootin' real bullets at ye ol' election protest on Wednesday! Avast, matey, tis a truly treacherous tale!

In a humorous 17th-century pirate language, here's a summary of the news article:

Arrr, me hearties! Listen to this tale of a candidate in Congo who be claimin' that the police be usin' live bullets to break up a protest! This fine lad, Martin Fayulu, be holdin' up a bullet and tellin' tales of how it landed near him while he be barricaded in his headquarters. But mind ye, there be no proof of this claim, mateys.

The police, on the other hand, be denyin' these accusations and sayin' that they only used tear gas to restore order. But the scallywags from the Associated Press be witnessin' the police assaultin' some of the protesters, so who knows what be the truth?

Fayulu be just one of five opposition candidates who called for this protest, and there be many others who be questionin' the validity of the election. Some polling stations be startin' late or not openin' at all, and some voter cards be so smudged that they be illegible. It be a right mess, me hearties!

Fayulu be sayin' that if this be the end of it and President Tshisekedi be declared the winner, the protests will continue. But as of now, Tshisekedi be holdin' nearly 79% of the votes, while Fayulu be laggin' behind with only 4%. The final results be expected before the year be over.

Tshisekedi be tryin' to gain legitimacy after another disputed election in 2018, where some be thinkin' that Fayulu be the rightful winner. But this year's contest be plagued with problems, with many votin' stations not openin' and reports of violence.

Protests be breakin' out, with folks throwin' rocks and burnin' tires. The government be banishin' protests and tensions be risin'. Fayulu's assistant be claimin' that 11 folks be injured, but there be no confirmation of this.

Rights groups be warnin' that more protests be on the horizon, and they be hopin' for a peaceful and transparent resolution. So stay tuned, me hearties, as this tale be continuin' to unfold in the land of Congo.

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