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Arrr! The US envoy be mighty pleased as a parrot with Japan's military makeover, now dishin' out Patriot missiles for export!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! On Wednesday, a fine U.S. ambassador did heartily commend Japan for its grand contributions to the reform and modernization of our mighty alliance betwixt the U.S. and Japan. Well done, me hearties!

U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanuel, has praised Japan's efforts in reforming and modernizing their alliance, particularly in terms of military capability and spending. He specifically highlighted Japan's decision to allow Japanese-made Patriot guided missiles to be shipped to the United States to compensate for decreasing inventory. In a meeting with Japanese Defense Minister Minoru Kihara, Emanuel commended Japan's actions in bolstering their military power and strengthening the alliance, noting that it has brought the level of deterrence to a capital D deterrence.

One of Japan's recent moves includes easing their postwar ban on lethal weapons exports, which marks a significant departure from their previous self-defense-only principle. Additionally, Japan has approved a 16.5% increase in defense spending for next year, totaling a record $56 billion, with a focus on missile strike and defense capabilities.

The revised arms transfer policy now allows Japan to export weapons and components made in Japan under foreign licenses. This is the first major revision since the easing of non-lethal weapons transfer in 2014. Japan is also considering further revisions to enable the sale of jointly developed lethal weapons to third countries.

In response to a U.S. request, Japan quickly approved the shipment of surface-to-air Patriot guided missiles produced in Japan under an American license. This move has led to speculation that the missiles may be sent to Ukraine. However, both sides are still discussing the details to ensure the defense of Japan is not compromised.

While some pacifist groups and opposition lawmakers in Japan have criticized the sale of Patriot missiles, Defense Minister Kihara has emphasized that the shipment aims to demonstrate the Japan-U.S. military alliance's will and capability, along with maintaining peace and stability. The revised military equipment sale policy has been described by Ambassador Emanuel as the "capstone to a year of reform," resulting in a greater inventory for the United States and the Indo-Pacific region.

Overall, Japan's efforts in military reform and alliance strengthening have been commended by the United States, highlighting their transformation from alliance protection to alliance projection.

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