The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Ye scurvy dogs at Fox News be callin' it a "Gender-neutral Christmas grift." Arr, what a load o' bilge!


Avast ye, mateys! Behold, the freshest tidings from the treacherous 2024 campaign seas, exclusive parleys and other swashbucklin' Fox News politics booty!

Welcome, me hearties, to Fox News' Politics newsletter! Avast ye, for we have the latest political news from the grand city of Washington D.C. and updates from the 2024 campaign trail. Arrrr!
If ye want to keep up with all the political shenanigans, subscribe now to get Fox News Politics newsletter in yer inbox, or ye'll be walkin' the plank!
Now, let's see what's happenin' on the high seas of politics:
- Blinken and Mayorkas had a meetin' with the Mexican president to discuss the pesky migrant crisis. Seems like a mighty big problem they got there.
- Senator Fetterman gave a good snarl at anyone who dared to question Biden's popularity. He's a feisty one, that Fetterman.
- Melania Trump spent her Christmas with her ailing mother, bless her heart. Family matters, even for the pirate queen.
But let's sail on to the Golden Coast of California, me hearties! It seems those landlubbers have passed a law sayin' that stores with more than 500 crew members will be fined if they don't have a "gender-neutral" toy section. Arrr, the times they be a-changin'!
Now, don't ye worry, me mateys. Traditional boys and girls sections won't be banished from the seven seas, but a gender-neutral section must be added to the treasure chest. Failure to comply after Jan. 1, 2024, may result in some hefty fines, so keep yer eyes peeled, ye scallywags!
That be all for now, me hearties! If ye want more tales from the 2024 campaign trail and other political adventures, visit Until next time, may the winds of politics blow in yer favor!

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