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Arrr! Israel and Hamas be at it again! Israeli warning raises the chance of a grander war, me hearties!


Avast ye mateys! Benny Gantz, a gallant member o' the war cabinet, be proclaimin' that Israel be ready to unleash a mighty storm 'pon the scurvy dogs o' Hezbollah! Arrr, their rocket fire has tested our mettle fer weeks, but 'tis time to show 'em who truly rules these treacherous waters!

Arr matey! Gather 'round ye scallywags and listen to this tale of Benny Gantz, a brave member of the war cabinet, who be claimin' that Israel be ready to strike harder against the notorious scurvy dogs known as Hezbollah, who've been firin' rockets from the north. Aye, it be quite a stir in the land o' Israel, me hearties!

Now, ye see, this Benny Gantz be no ordinary landlubber. Nay, he be a man with a plan, a plan to make them sneaky Hezbollah scoundrels walk the plank, so to speak. He be sayin' that Israel be havin' the strength and the will to fight back, to defend their borders with all their might. Arr, mateys, it be a fierce battle that awaits!

But let me tell ye, there be a bit o' humor in Gantz's words, me hearties. He be sayin' that Israel be takin' "stronger action," as if they've been holdin' back all this time! I reckon it be a clever way to say, "We be givin' those rascals a taste of our cannons!"

Now, them Hezbollah varmints have been shootin' rockets at Israel for weeks, and it be gettin' on their nerves, to say the least. They be wantin' to put an end to this madness, to teach those landlubbers a lesson they won't soon forget. And Gantz be the man to lead the charge!

So, me hearties, keep an eye on the horizon, for there be stormy seas ahead! Israel be ready to sail into battle, to show Hezbollah that they be messin' with the wrong crew. Aye, there be no room for scallywags like them in these waters. Let the cannons roar and the swords clash, for Benny Gantz be leadin' the way!

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