The Booty Report

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Arrr! An $80 billion industry be searchin' fer wee hands, yet it be missin' the scurvy little scallywags!


Arr, mateys! These secret reckonings be no good at catchin' the wee lads and lasses toilin' away for American scallywags peddlin' Oreos, Gerber treats, McDonald's milk, and other such plunder.

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, let me regale ye with a tale that be more perplexing than a stormy sea. 'Tis a report that private audits be failin' to uncover young seadogs, mere children, toilin' away for U.S. suppliers of Oreos, Gerber baby snacks, McDonald’s milk, and many other goods. Arr, the audacity!
Can ye believe it, me hearties? These wee ones be workin' beneath the very noses of those who claim to be watchin' over their welfare. They be laborin' in the shadows, their little hands craftin' the very treats we savor. 'Tis a scallywag's act indeed!
Astoundin'ly, these children be found in the supply chains of renowned brands like Oreos and Gerber. 'Tis as if they be hidden treasures, only discovered when the telltale signs be too obvious to ignore, like a parrot squawkin' on a scallywag's shoulder.
They be called "migrant children," me hearties, younglings who be travelin' far from their homes in search of a better life. Yet, instead of findin' the land of opportunity, they be thrown into the jaws of cruel labor. 'Tis a tale that be leavin' a bitter taste in me mouth, much like a mouthful of sour grog.
Ye may be wonderin', "How can this be happenin' in the 21st century, with all the supposed progress we've made?" Alas, the answer be as elusive as the legendary treasure of Captain Kidd. The auditors, who be like lookouts on a ship's crow's nest, be missin' these young souls, their eyes blind to their plight.
So, me hearties, let us not turn a blind eye to this travesty. Let us hoist the Jolly Roger and demand justice for these innocent souls. 'Tis time to call upon the powers that be, the scurvy knaves who run these companies, to take responsibility and banish child labor from their ranks. Only then can we truly enjoy our Oreos and Gerber baby snacks without a taste of guilt.

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