The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, NYC be takin' a mighty fall on th' list o' best NYE ports, mateys! And ye won't believe th' trendiest baby names in America half a century past, arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! The Fox News Rutter be bringin' ye tales o' kinship, voyages, grub, mateys lendin' a hook, treasure ye pets, land ships, brave swashbucklers, devotion, and what it means to be true-blooded Americans. Drink up, ye scallywags!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, here be the news ye should know, me hearties! The Big Apple, New York City, be takin' a tumble on the list of best cities to celebrate New Year's Eve. Arrr, Orlando, Florida, be claimin' the top spot! Aye, me mateys, if ye be curious 'bout the most popular baby names in America 50 years ago, look no further. Arrr, these be the names that were all the rage back then! If it be a record-breakin' fish ye be lookin' for, me hearties, feast yer eyes on these mighty catches. They be makin' headlines in 2023! Shiver me timbers, if ye be a college swabbie or know one, this list be showin' ye 12 back-to-school essentials to warm yer dorm room this winter. Arrr, ye can find 'em all on Amazon! In a sweet nod to the lovely Taylor Swift, a gingerbread house inspired by her visits to Arrowhead Stadium be makin' waves. Arrr, she be supportin' her boyfriend Travis Kelce and his Kansas City Chiefs! Aye, me hearties, Fox News senior Washington correspondent Chad Pergram be revealin' why he be a Cincinnati chili addict in a quick Q&A. Arrr, 'tis a tasty tale indeed!

Now, here be a word o' caution, me mateys. A new career trend be sailin' the seas, known as "actin' yer wage." Workers be pushin' back against job stress and workloads, and ye can find out all ye need to know 'bout it here. And for all ye landlubbers who be lovin' crossword puzzles, ye can play our Fox News daily crossword puzzle for free! Arrr, 'tis a treasure worth solvin'! If ye be wantin' to keep up with the latest news from Fox, ye can follow them on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. And if ye be wantin' to receive their newsletters, they be offerin' Fox News First, Fox News Opinion, Fox News Lifestyle, Fox News Autos, and Fox News Health. Aye, me hearties, there be plenty of ways to stay connected to the Fox crew!

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