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Avast ye, mateys! Congress be needin' to grant the states the freedom to mend the welfare, for one state hath proved it be possible, arrr!


Arrr mateys! Fer nigh on 25 years, a fair state be meldin' federal workforce development n' safety net programs, usin' a most ingenious model that hastens the journey from welfare to toil! Aye, 'tis a sight t'behold!

Our home states of Texas and Louisiana are requesting that Congress allow them to follow Utah's lead in integrating federal workforce development and safety net programs. Currently, Congress prohibits other states from adopting this model, resulting in more people on welfare and ineffective workforce programs. We urge Congress to reform the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which forces states into a one-size-fits-all system that has proven to be a failure.

Utah has successfully implemented a unique system that combines welfare and workforce development, resulting in a booming economy and low rates of residents on food stamps and Medicaid. Their model focuses on helping individuals transition from government dependence to individual success.

Congress should learn from Utah's success and grant states the freedom to innovate. By allowing states to tailor their approaches to their citizens' unique needs, we can save taxpayer money, reduce welfare rolls, and create opportunities for individuals to find better jobs.

Currently, there are over 40 million Americans on food stamps and 80 million on Medicaid, but there is little integration with workforce development. By connecting these programs, millions of people could be guided towards work instead of remaining on welfare.

Texas and Louisiana are ready to prove that they can do even better than Utah. Congress must give states the freedom to innovate and create booming economies while providing opportunities for their citizens.

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