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Avast ye mateys! The scurvy dogs be askin' 'bout the Jews a whole lot more since October 7, says the SEO expert.


Yarr! A scurvy dog skilled in the ways of search engine magic hath unearthed data, revealin' a tale of Google searches for foul antisemitic queries. Methinks they be risin' like a tidal wave of wickedness since Oct. 7, 2023. Aye, 'tis a cause for concern, me hearties!

An internet expert, Mordy Oberstein, conducted a study on Google searches for antisemitic queries and shared his findings on social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter. The results had him extremely alarmed for Jews around the world. Oberstein expressed his surprise at the data, stating that the numbers were significantly higher than he had anticipated. Some key findings from the study include a 12,000% increase in searches for phrases like "glory to our martyrs" and "intifada revolution" since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th.
Other concerning search queries included phrases like "kill Jews," which saw an 1,800% rise, and "why are Jews bad," which increased by 450%. Additionally, queries for "Hitler was right" increased by 120%. The most alarming increase was observed in searches for the phrase "from the river to the sea," which saw a 15,000% rise overall and 100,000 searches per month in the US alone.
Oberstein emphasized the significance of this phrase, as it is a part of Hamas' official charter and led to the censure of a US Congress member for using it. The study also included data from France, Turkey, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
Oberstein, the head of the SEO brand at Israeli software company Wix, highlighted the importance of Google searches in driving web traffic, accounting for over 50% of total traffic. Tehran, while claiming credit for the October 7th Hamas attack as revenge for the killing of an Iranian official, was denied by Hamas. The terrorist group emphasized that the attack was a response to the ongoing aggression of the Zionist occupation.

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