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Hark! Another American scallywag held captive by the scurvy dogs of Hamas hath met his untimely demise in Gaza.


Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Word be arrivin' that the second American hostage hath met Davy Jones' locker, in the midst o' the clash betwixt Israel and Hamas. Her community be blabberin' 'bout it on Thursday. Aye, she be but one o' eight Americans bein' held captive by them scallywags of Hamas!

A second American hostage held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip has died. Judi Weinstein Haggai, along with her husband, was shot and taken hostage on October 7 during a terror attack on Israeli communities. The couple vanished from their community and had not been heard from since. The community announced on Thursday that Haggai had died, following the death of her husband Gad, who was the first American hostage to die in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. There are currently six other Americans being held hostage by Hamas. The couple is survived by their children, who live in Colorado, Singapore, and Israel. President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden expressed their condolences and stated that they were "heartbroken" by the news. Biden had previously spoken with the couple's daughter during a meeting with the families of hostages. He assured them that the United States will not cease efforts to bring the hostages home. The bodies of the deceased are in the possession of the terror group.

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