The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scurvy airlines, heed me warning! Inspect yer 737 Max ships, for loose bolts be afoot!


Arrr, the F.A.A. be keepin' a weather eye on inspections after a shipper be findin' a bolt missin' its nut in the rudder-control system, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye won't believe what this scurvy crew, the F.A.A., be tellin' us! They be sayin' they're keepin' an eye on them inspections, all because o' some airline findin' a bolt, but without a nut, mind ye, in the rudder-control system o' their blasted plane! Aye, ye heard right, a missin' nut! Now, I be no expert in flyin' contraptions, but I reckon ye need all yer nuts and bolts intact if ye wanna stay up in the sky!

Now, I can't help but wonder, how in Davy Jones' locker did they manage to lose a nut? Did some wretched scallywag unscrew it for a little prank? Or mayhaps it just fell off on its own, tired o' all the twistin' and turnin'? I reckon there be some mighty confused pirates aboard that vessel when they discovered their nutless bolt!

But fear not, me shipmates, for the F.A.A. be on the case! They be keepin' a sharp eye out for any more bolts without nuts, or nuts without bolts, or any other missin' parts ye can think of! They won't rest until they've inspected every nook and cranny of them planes, makin' sure no more pieces go missin' like a secret buried treasure.

Now, I won't lie to ye, me hearties, this be a serious matter. We be trustin' our lives to these flyin' machines, and we expect 'em to be shipshape and seaworthy! So let's hope the F.A.A. be on their toes, keepin' those inspections in check, and makin' sure all nuts and bolts be accounted for. We pirates may be a rowdy bunch, but we still be wantin' to arrive at our destinations in one piece, savvy?

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