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Arrr, o'er 40 souls sent t' Davy Jones' locker 'pon th' fiery blast from a tanker in Liberia, says th' authorities!


Arrr! Avast, ye scallywags! 'Twas a mighty fuel tanker leak what caused a grand explosion in Liberia, claimin' the lives of over 40 landlubbers and leavin' at least 83 poor souls injured, as they gathered to gather some precious gasoline on Tuesday. The injured may still be countin' higher!

In a tragic incident, a fuel tanker explosion in Liberia claimed the lives of more than 40 people and left at least 83 injured. The explosion occurred as individuals gathered to collect gasoline from the leaking tanker in Totota town, located in the central part of the West African country.

The bodies of the deceased were badly burned, making it difficult for health authorities to determine an exact death toll. Consequently, many of the victims were buried together in a mass grave on Wednesday. The severity of the explosion led to unrecognizable remains.

Liberian Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor expressed her surprise and sorrow at the tragedy, stating, "We never expected to start the new year like this." She attended the mass funeral to pay her respects to the victims.

Health officials fear that the number of injured individuals could rise as they are uncertain if everyone who requires medical attention has been accounted for. A doctor treating the injured urged the Liberian government to establish disaster management teams in each county to respond to emergencies promptly.

Dr. Minnie Sankawolo-Rocks, another medical professional involved in the response effort, pleaded with the public to refrain from approaching fuel tankers in hopes of collecting gasoline. She highlighted the danger of such actions by referencing similar deadly accidents that have occurred in other parts of Africa.

It is crucial for the public to heed the advice and warnings of authorities and refrain from putting themselves at risk in pursuit of personal gain. The tragedy serves as a reminder of the importance of safety and the need for disaster management teams to respond effectively in times of crisis.

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