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Arrr! This landlubber's decree to ban Chick-fil-A be not progress, but a foul display of pure prejudice, matey!


Avast ye scallywags! Behold, a New York legislator be embarkin' on a grand voyage to ban Chick-fil-A. But beware, mateys, for this endeavor may also mean the demise of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian-owned taverns! 'Tis a slap in the face to the progressive creed, full o' naught but sheer prejudice, arrr!

Arrr! This landlubber's decree to ban Chick-fil-A be not progress, but a foul display of pure prejudice, matey!

In a comical twist, a New York Democratic lawmaker, Tony Simone, introduced a bill that would essentially ban Jewish, Muslim, and Christian-owned establishments from operating in the state's rest stop thruways. Simone's bill, known as the Rest Stop Restaurant Act, aims to require food and beverage companies contracted by New York State to be open seven days a week. The primary target of this legislation is Chick-fil-A, a fast-food chain with nine locations in the state's rest stops.

The bill argues that publicly owned service areas should maximize their space to benefit the public and that having retail spaces closed for one-seventh of the week or more inconveniences travelers. However, these rest stops are not funded by taxpayers but rather by a $450 million private partnership.

The real motive behind Simone's bill seems to be his disapproval of Chick-fil-A's owners' conservative Christian beliefs, particularly their stance on gay marriage. This approach not only undermines religious freedom but also goes against the progressive tradition. By targeting Chick-fil-A, Simone's bill would effectively shut down Jewish delis and halal restaurants as well.

It is surprising that a lawmaker from a region with a significant Jewish and Muslim population would support a policy that curtails their rights to participate in New York's economy. President Joe Biden, a devout Catholic, has supported religious freedom throughout his career. A Democratic Party that aligns with Biden's stance on religious freedom is one that upholds its progressive tradition. However, a party that promotes Simone's bigotry may struggle to find support in America's heartland.

Overall, Simone's bill, though introduced in a humorous 17th-century pirate language, highlights the absurdity and potential harm of targeting specific religious groups in the name of convenience. It serves as a reminder of the importance of religious freedom and the need for inclusive policies that bring people together rather than drive them apart.

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