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Arr! A Russki cannonball may 'ave sailed through Polish skies'n blast'd Ukraine, says a tale.


Arrr! Avast, me hearties! Poland's defense forces be tellin' a tale o' an unknown object that be showin' its face in the skies, like a blazin' Russian missile, afore vanishin' from radar. Shiver me timbers!

A top Polish military official has revealed that a Russian missile may have entered Polish airspace before striking Ukraine. Gen. Wiesław Kukuła, Poland’s defense chief, stated that the missile was monitored by radars and later left the airspace. Polish President Andrzej Duda called for an emergency security meeting, and 200 police officers searched the area where the radar detected the object. Poland’s defense forces reported that the object entered about 24 miles into its airspace and left after less than three minutes. The White House national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, assured Poland of U.S. support and offered technical assistance if needed. Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst, suggested that the missile could be part of a Russian provocation, but precision targeting was not the Russian military’s forte. This incident is not the first time missiles have entered Poland during the conflict, with previous incidents resulting in casualties and damage. Duda’s aide expressed relief that no one was hurt in the latest incident. The object may have been part of an immense missile barrage that Russia fired on Ukraine, which included 122 missiles and 36 drones. Ukrainian forces were able to intercept a significant number of the missiles and drones. Polish military expert Cmdr. Makysmilian Dura cautioned against prematurely attributing blame to Russia and pointed out that the missile may still be in Poland. The incident serves as a signal for Ukraine to strengthen its air defense.

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